One way of thinking of leadership is getting people out of the maze of purposelessness or disempowerment and giving them clear direction. Christ centred leadership means making everything about His purpose for us. How this is achieved happens in many different ways. This roadshow aims to help leaders find their direction in some of them.

Where: Second Saintfield Presbyterian Church
When: Tuesday 4th November, 7:30pm to 10pm
Who for: Leaders! Ministers, Elders and others in congregational leadership
This event is free and is organised by the Panel of Leadership of the Board of Christian Training. Pre-registration is requested.

7:30pm Leadership Essentials
7:45pm Seminar Session One
8:40pm Refreshment break
9:05pm Seminar Session Two
10:00pm Close

Seminars – chose any two from the following:
Not Just a Business Meeting: Rethinking the Kirk Session Meeting/Structures (Board of Christian Training)
The Kirk Session meeting is crucial for setting the direction for the congregation. This seminar aims to help Clerks of Session, Ministers and Elders consider some suggestions for practically structuring the Kirk Session meeting so that active leadership of the congregation takes a prominent place. We will explore how this can work in small, medium and large congregations.
When You’re Not the King of the Hill: Leading Well from the Middle
(Board of Christian Training)
Leading isn’t only about being the person who calls all the shots. This seminar aims to give an understanding of what it means to have real leadership influence as part of a leadership team (the Kirk Session).
Take the Risk, Reap the Reward: Encouraging Young Leaders
(Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry/SPUD)
This seminar will give you valuable insights into how to raise up the next generation of leaders through their eyes and show why leadership is such a burning issue for young people today.
Beyond your Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria: Leading your Congregation in Mission to the Ends of the Earth
(Board of Mission Overseas)
Encouraging, challenging and advising congregational leaders in the why and how of deepening congregational involvement in Global Mission.

Although the event is free, registration in advance is requested to assist in catering and seminar arrangements. To register please contact the Training Resource Centre office by email or telephone 028 9020 5088 with the names of those coming and their seminar choices.