Each year we run a holiday bible club for one week during the summer holidays. Children of primary school age, who have completed P1, join us for fun, craft, games, Bible stories, drama and music.

On Your Marks Holiday Bible Club,   12th – 16th August 2024, 10.30am-1.00pm 

The setting for ‘On Your Marks’ is  the Global Games, a fictitious Olympic sporting tournament.  It is based around stories about Jesus from Mark’s Gospel. Each day the children will meet Jesus as he calls his disciples, demonstrates his healing power, shows his authority and reveals himself as the Son of God.
Register by scanning the QR code above or by following this link  

Polar Explorers Holiday Bible Club 2023 

(Highlights of a fantastic week !)

Holiday Bible Club 2020 & 2021

Unfortunately Holiday Bible Club was cancelled in 2020 & 2021 due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Check out the leaders’ video message for the kids below. 

‘Mega Makers’ Holiday Club,  August 2019 





‘Mission Rescue’ Holiday Club August 2018 

Have a listen to some of our favourite holiday bible club songs.